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Exerc Sci > Volume 11(2); 2002 > Article
Exercise Science 2002;11(2): 467-482.
운동선수의 안정시 및 점증부하운동 중 심전도 양상
주기찬1, 고성식1, 정덕조1, 번재경2, 송상협1
Joo, K.C., Ko, S.S., Byeon, J.K., Jung, D.J., Song, S.H. The Electrocardiogram at Rest and during Graded Exercise in Athletes. Exercise Science, 11(2): 467-482, 2002. Our Study was performed for the purpose of examinining what the ECG of athletes would be different from that of non-athletes, what the difference in ECG change during exercise would be like among different type of athletes, and what the useful criteria for identifying pathological ECG patterns might be available. We recruited 144 high school athletes in Chongju city. After resting ECGs of 144 students were tested, we randomly selected 9 from each 3 group of athletes, that was HS/LD, MS/MD, LS/HD. For the first purpose, we analysed resting ECG of 144 athlets. 3(athletic type)×5(exercise stage) combined ANOVA was used for the second purpose. The results we obtained from this study were as followings : First, there appeared abnormal resting ECG patterns in athletes. Second, the majority of ECGs occurred were early repolarization(male 96.7%, female 98.0%), sinus bradycardia(male 81.7%, female 45.1%), LVH(male 52.7%, female 16.0%), IRBBB(male 37.6%, female 17.6%), sinus arrhythmia(male 21.5%, female 11.8%). 1st degree AVB was appeared in 10.8% of male and 4,0% of female athletes. Miscellaneous ECGs were RAH/LAH(male 2.2%), PAC(male 1.1%), Atrial rhythm(male 1.1%, female 2.0%), Junctional rhythm(male 1.1%), and RVH(male 1.1%). Third, Showing normal ECG responses in all the 3 groups of athletes during graded exercise, could support that pathological-like abnormal ECG occurred at rest were only due to the physiologic adaptation to the training. Forth, the fact that Sokolow-Lyon criteria was the highest in LS/HD, and lowest in HS/LD indicated ECG would read differently the type of cardiac hypertrophy due to different training stimuli.
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