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Exerc Sci > Volume 13(1); 2004 > Article
Exercise Science 2004;13(1): 125-136.
최대하 운동부하 검사 시 농구용 휠체어의 캠버와 핸드림 크기가 에너지 대사 및 심폐기능에 미치는 영향
전병환1, 임비오2
The effect of the camber and handrim size of wheelchair on the energy metabolism and cardiovascular functions during the submaximal exercise test
The effect of the camber and handrim size of wheelchair on the energy metabolism and cardiovascular functions during the submaximal exercise test. Exercise science, 13(1): 125-136, 2004. The purpose of this study was to examine that the effect of wheelchair camber and handrim size on the energy expenditure(EE) and fat utilization as the energy metabolism factors and oxygen uptake(O2) and hreat rate(HR) as the cardiovascular function factors during submaximal exercise test. 5 healthy wheel -chair basketball players without lower extremity paralysis performed the submaximal exercise protocol as the exercise test with measuring the factors by portable gas analyzer. The results suggest that 20 degree of chamber was higher than 16 degree of it in EE and fat utilization as the energy metabolism factors and O2 and HR as the cardiovascular function factors during the test. As the conclusion, 20 degree of camber was higher in the aspect of cardiovascular function and energy metabolism than 16 degree was.
Key words: wheelchair basketball, handrim, camber, energy expenditure(EE), fat utilization, oxygen uptake(O2), heart rate(HR)
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