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Exerc Sci > Volume 20(1); 2011 > Article
Exercise Science 2011;20(1): 27-34. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2011.20.1.27
폐경 전·후 여성의 운동 및 음주습관에 따른 골밀도와 체력에 관한 연구
유재현1, 박은경2, 유광욱1
A study of bone mass & health related physical fitness induced exercise & drinking habits on pre & post-menopause of female.
The purpose of the this study was to examine the comparison of bone mineral density and health related physical fitness induced exercise & drinking habits on pre and post-menopause of female. Using a cross-sectional approach, we studied 508 women(respectively, pre menopausal 215, post menopausal 293) who visited the C health center at Kangwon-Do. Subjects were divided into 3 groups depended on exercise habit(sedentary, exercise less than twice a week and more than three time a week) also, 2 groups depended on drinking habit(not drink and drink less than twice a week), respectively. We measured bone mineral density and health related physical fitness. One-way ANOVA were used to assess differences among 3 groups divided on exercise habits. Independent t-test were used to assess differences between drinkers and non-drinkers. Significance was accepted at p<.05. In pre-menopause, exclude sit & reach, physical fitness and BMD showed no significant difference among the exercise habits. Also, comparing with the non-drinkers, the drinkers had no significant differences in bone mineral density and physical fitness levels. In post-menopause, BMD and % of body fat showed significant differences among the exercise habits. Also, bone mineral density of drinkers showed a higher tendency than non-drinkers, but physical fitness had no significant differences between the groups. This study suggests that regular exercise can improve bone health by increasing bone mass or preventing age-related bone loss. Also, low intake of alcohol in pre-menopausal women may have decreased the bone mineral density, but in post-menopausal women may prevent decreasing of bone mineral density.
Key words: 운동, 알코올, 골밀도, 폐경기
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