Melatonin as an Antioxidant Supplement in Athletes: A Literature Review of Current Evidence
Taewan Kim, Jinkyung Cho
Exerc Sci. 2023;32(4):367-376. Published online November 30, 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2023.00542
Effects of Exercise on Serum Inflammatory Markers and NF-kb, COX-2 mRNA Expression in Prostate of BPH-Induced Mice
Eun-Jung Yoon, Se-Hwan Park, Eun-Mi Lim
Exerc Sci. 2021;30(4):510-516. Published online November 30, 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2021.00521
Effect of Endurance Exercise and MitoQ Intake on Tau Hyperphosphorylation, Oxidative Stress, Antioxidant Modulating Factors, Mitochondrial Function, and Cognitive Function in Alcl3-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease Animal Model
Jin-Hue Jeong, Dong-Hun Choi, Jeong-Kook Lee, Joon-Yong Cho
Exerc Sci. 2021;30(3):396-406. Published online August 31, 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2021.30.3.396
Effect of Moderate Intensity Exercise on Synaptic Vesicle Transporter and Antioxidant Enzyme Expression in High Fat Diet Fed 3xTg Mice
Dong-Hyun Kim, In-Jae Kim
Exerc Sci. 2020;29(2):178-187. Published online May 31, 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2020.29.2.178
Effects of Resistance Exercise Training on Antioxidant Enzyme and GLUT 8 Expression
in Testes of Type 2 Diabetic Rats
Seung Won Ahn, Se Hwan Park, Yoon Jin Hwan
Exerc Sci. 2017;26(4):288-294. Published online November 30, 2017 DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2017.26.4.288
Effects of combined exercise on stress hormone, heart muscle damage indices, lipid peroxides and antioxidant enzyme in older male
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The effect of GABA-enriched chlorella intake and voluntary wheel running on blood pressure, running distance and antioxidant enzyme in spontaneously hypertensive rats.
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The effect of acute and prolonged endurance swim exercise on antioxidant and mitochondrial enzymes in rat skeletal muscle.
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The effects of physical fitness, blood component, oxidant stress and antioxidant capacity to 9-weeks complex training in girls high school dance sport players.
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Effects of diacyglycerol and weight training on weight, %body fat, RMR, and blood lipid changes in obese college male students.
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The effects of antioxidants treatment on training induced insulin-stimulated glucose transport activity in muscle.
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Effects of vitamin C & E supplementation on plasma free oxygen radical, total antioxidant capacity, and C-reactive protein after acute aerobic exercise
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The influence of exercise intensity on telomere length in white blood cell, MDA, and antioxidant enzyme activity
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The Effect of Combined Green Tea Consumption and Aerobic Training Program on Adipocytokines and Antioxidant System
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The effect of submaximal exercises with different intensities on the blood lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzymes activities.
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The Effect of 12 weeks aerobic exercise with different exercise intensity on lipid peroxidation(MDA) and antioxidant enzyme(SOD)
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