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Collagen Gene Variants and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture in the Korean Population
Ki-Hoon Seong, Kwang-Jun Kim, Hee-Jung Park, Byung-Hoon Lee, Eunwook Chang, Dong-Ho Park
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(4):409-414.   Published online November 30, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00542
A Comparative Study of ALDH2 rs671 Gene and Physical Characteristics and Fitness of Sports Prodigies
Seok-Ki Min, Kwang-Kyu Lee
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(3):317-322.   Published online August 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00451
The AGTR2 (RS11091046) Gene Polymorphism is Associated with Cycling Performance in Korean Cyclists
Seok-ki Min, Seung-taek Lim, Kwangkyu Lee, Jieun Kim, Eonho Kim, Eunbin Jee
Exerc Sci. 2022;31(1):105-109.   Published online February 28, 2022     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2021.00451
젊은 성인 남성에서 ACE, ADRβ3, UCP1 유전자 다형성에 따른 훈련과 비훈련의 효과
Eunbin Jee
Exerc Sci. 2009;18(2):173-182.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2009.18.2.173
Effect of 12-weeks aerobic exercise on the components of the metabolic syndrome according to FTO gene variant in obesity mid-aged women
Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee
Exerc Sci. 2009;18(1):43-52.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2009.18.1.43
Comparisons of central fatigue by gene polymorphism of 5-HTT under hot environment
Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee
Exerc Sci. 2009;18(1):31-42.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2009.18.1.31
The Effects of aerobic exercise on cardiovascular disease risk factor and cardiac function according ACE genotype in midle-aged woman
Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee
Exerc Sci. 2009;18(1):11-20.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2009.18.1.11
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Distribution of 5-HTT Gene Polymorphism Effected by Race and Major.
Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee
Exerc Sci. 2008;17(4):413-422.     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2008.17.4.413
Effects of aerobic exercise training on obesity indices, blood lipids, and insulin resistance across the apolipoprotein C-III SstI genotype
Eunbin Jee, Eunbin Jee
Exerc Sci. 2005;14(3):385-402.
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