The Exercise-induced BDNF and synaptic proteins via PI3K/AKT on Hippocampal CA1 in aged mice.
Exerc Sci. 2012;21(1):131-140.     DOI:
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Acute Effect of Moderate-intensity Aerobic Exercise on Cerebral Blood Flow and Cognitive Function in Young Adults: Treadmill vs. Cycle Ergometer
Yejin Kang, Ruda Lee, Moon-Hyon Hwang, Myong-Joo Lim
Exercise Science.2020; 29(2): 162.     CrossRef
Acute Effect of Moderate-intensity Aerobic Exercise on Cerebral Blood Flow and Cognitive Function in Young Adults: Treadmill vs. Cycle Ergometer
Yejin Kang, Ruda Lee, Moon-Hyon Hwang, Myong-Joo Lim
Exercise Science.2020; 29(2): 162.     CrossRef