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Exerc Sci > Volume 14(3); 2005 > Article
Exercise Science 2005;14(3): 403-416.
웹 기반 운동처방 교육 프로그램 모형 개발 연구
이동기1, 엄우섭2
Development of Web-Based Exercise Prescription Educational Program Model
Lee, D.K., Eum, W.S. Development of Web-Based Exercise Prescription Educational Program Model. Exercise Science, 14(3): 403-416, 2005. This research is performed to find out how to provide more health benefits to people through web. This research is done by following research method. First, Algorism of web-based exercise prescription educational program model can be divided into process part, database and service part. Second, Algorism of web-based exercise prescription educational program can be divided into measurement and evaluation system, evaluation system, exercise prescription system, education system. Third, result of examining problems of web- based exercise prescription educational program using theoretical base line are the followings. 1) In measurement and diagnosis system, in case of paperweight, constitution criteria which can diagnose lifestyle, diet habit, exercise habit, adult disease in scientific way is insufficient and in case of health related fitness test. 2) Evaluation system was lack of scientific and objective view. 3) For exercise prescription system, there was much to be desired for individualization of constitution criteria. 4) The education system, there was lack of constitution criteria for keep up the practices of exercise prescription system. Also, web-based exercise prescription educational program's educational technologic concern was insufficient, and constitution criteria which can make a person possible to practice exercise prescription program is not sufficient.
Key words: web-based exercise prescription program, exercise prescription
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