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Exerc Sci > Volume 15(1); 2006 > Article
Exercise Science 2006;15(1): 43-50.
체중감량과 재식이가 체급경기 선수의 면역기능에 미치는 영향
민진아1, 권영우2
The effects of weight loss and refeeding diet on immune function in weight class athletes
Min, J.A., Kwon, Y.W. The effects of weight loss and refeeding diet on immune function in weight class athletes. Exercise Science, 15(1), 43-50, 2006. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of refeeding diet after weight loss on WBC subset(neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte) and immunoglobulin(IgA, IgG, IgM). Eighteen subjects (Taekwon-do players) were placed into experimental groups(n=9) and control groups(n=9). Blood samples were extracted to measure all variable before weight loss(Test 1), then reduced body weight by 6% per body weight during 2week(Test 2). After weight loss the subjects rested during 1day with taking normal meal(Test 3). WBC subset(neutrophil, lymphocyte, monocyte) could not induce any significant change with weight loss and refeeding diet. IgG and IgA did not show any change with weight loss and refeeding diet. IgM decreased significantly after weight loss(p<.05) and this weight loss induced decrease continued to recovery period. In conclusion, weight loss and refeeding diet did not induce immune function. Further study needed to elucidate the exact mechanism about weight loss, refeeding diet and immune function related to weight reduction period and other immune function related variables.
Key words: weight loss, refeeding diet, WBC subset, immunoglobulin.
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