Exercise Science 2005;14(2): 181-192. |
복합운동프로그램이 노인의 낙상관련 체력에 미치는 효과 |
박은영1, 이종하2 |
1이화여자대학교 2경희대학교 |
The Effect of Complex Exercise Program for Prevention of Falls on Fitness in Elderly |
Park, E.Y., Lee, J.H. The Effect of Complex Exercise Program for Prevention of Falls on Fitness in Elderly. Exercise Science, 14(2): 181-192, 2005. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of a 12 week complex exercise program for the prevention of falls on fitness in the elderly. Forty elderly (men = 14, 72±5.91 yr, women = 26, 63.69±4.19 yr) participated in a complex exercise program (elastic band exercise, ball exercise, balance trainer exercise, dance sports and Tai -chi) for 12 weeks. They were trained for 70±10 minutes a day, three times per week. Statistical Data was processed by SPSS(Window Version 12.0) using descriptive statistics regarding the physical characteristics of subjects as well as each variable (balance, flexibility. strength, and agility). A paired t-test was used to compare functional status variables between the pre and post tests. The results were as follows: The level of balance, overall stability and medial/lateral stability index of balance were statistically significant between the pre and the post (p<.05). In addition, flexibility and strength especially left grip strength were statistically significant different (p<.05). In conclusion, this study was significant in providing fundamental data which came into wide use in complex exercise programs for elderly welfare, public health centers and halls for the aged which aimed to prevent falls, improve physical fitness and maintain elderly health. |
Key words:
elderly, physical fitness, falls, exercise |