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Exerc Sci > Volume 13(1); 2004 > Article
Exercise Science 2004;13(1): 43-54.
운동 강도가 림프구 아형 변화에 미치는 영향
전태원1, 박성태2
The Effects of Exercise Intensities on the Lymphocyte subpopulations
The Effects of Exercise Intensities on the Lymphocyte subpopulations. Exercise Science, 13(1): 43-54, 2004. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of various exercise intensities on the change of circulating lymphocyte subpopulations. 7 healthy young males(age : 25.6±1.5, O2max: 56.0±2.7 ml/kg/min) partici -pated in four trials. At each trial., subjects ran on the treadmill at the respective intensities corresponding to 50%, 65%, 75%, 85% of O2max. Blood was obtained at rest, immediately after exercise, and at 90 min after exercise to measure lymphocyte subpopulations(CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16). Circulating lymphocyte count increased immediately after exercise(p<.01) and decreased(p<.01) in recovery 90 minutes. At most of intensities, Relative proportions of the lymphocyte and NK cell increased immediately after exercise(p<001, p<.001) and decreased below baseline level at recovery 90-min(p<.01), particularly magnitude of decrease to baseline appeared most greatly at 85% intensity. In conclusion, Immediately after exercise, suppressor T cells increased more than helper T cells, so the Th/Ts ratio significantly decreased(p<.01). These results suggest exercise at low or moderate exercise intensity as well as below 400kcal of energy expenditure to avoid the immunosuppression.
Key words: exercise intensity, lymphocyte subpopulations, NK cell, Helper T cell, suppressor T cell
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