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Exerc Sci > Volume 19(4); 2010 > Article
Exercise Science 2010;19(4): 391-400. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2010.19.4.391
노화에 따른 근세포 내 산화환원 관련 철분축적과 근세포 내 단백질 산화손상과의 관련성
정승호1, 김종규2, 조현철3
1Univ. of South Carolina at Columbia
2University of South Carolina
Relationship of Age-Associated Accumulation of Intracellular Iron with Protein Oxidative Damages in Skeletal Muscle of Rats
Intracellular iron plays a critical role in oxidative stress and is accumulating in a variety of different tissues with aging. However, no study has investigated a relationship of intracellular iron concentration with levels of oxidative damages to protein and lipid in skeletal muscles. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to investigate a relationship of intracellular iron with oxidative damage and age-associated changes in muscle mass in plantaris by comparing young (6 months old) and old (25 months old) male Fisher-344 rats (n=10/group). Our study showed age-associated declines in muscle mass (-3%) and protein concentration (-11%), but no statistically significant difference was detected (p > 0.05). Total intracellular iron concentration is 137% increased with age, but no statistically significant difference was detected (p = 0.073). Our data show no statistically significant correlation of intracellular iron concentration with levels of oxidative damages to cellular proteins in skeletal muscles, although the level of oxidative damages to protein is increased with concentrations of total irons (r = 0.34). However, the concentration of intracellular iron is highly, significantly correlated with the intracellular protein concentration in skeletal muscle (r = 0.83, p < 0.0001). In conclusion, although a positive correlation between intracellular iron concentration and the level of protein oxidative damage is not statistically significant, it is clear that intracellular iron concentration is strongly, negatively correlated with intracellular protein concentration which is decreased with aging.
Key words: sarcopenia, oxidative stress, non-heme iron, redox-reactive iron
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