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Exerc Sci > Volume 22(4); 2013 > Article
Exercise Science 2013;22(4): 281-288. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2013.22.4.281
골격근내 PGC-1α 발현이 글리코겐 분해효소와 해당효소 발현에 미치는 영향
정수련1, 김기진2, 고진호2, 김상현2
Effects of PGC-1α Expression on Glycogenolytic and Glycolytic Enzymes in Rat Skeletal Muscle.
Endurance exercise training can induce large increases in the ability to perform prolonged strenuous exercise. The major adaptation responsible for this increase in endurance capacity is a PGC-1α-mediated increase in muscle mitochondria. This adaptation occurs too slowly to provide a survival advantage when there is a sudden change in the environment that necessitates vigorous, prolonged exercise. In the present study, we discovered another, more rapid adaptation, a down regulation of expression of the glycogenolytic and glycolytic enzymes in muscle that mediates a slowing of muscle glycogen depletion and lactic acid a ccumulation. This a dap tation, which also a p pears t o be i nduced b y PGC-1α, occurs i n response t o a single e xercise bout and is further enhanced by two additional daily exercise bouts. It is biologically significant, because glycogen depletion and lactic acid accumulation are two of the major causes of muscle fatigue and exhaustion.
Key words: PGC-1α, Glycogenolytic enzyme, Glycolytic enzyme, Endurance exercise
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