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Exerc Sci > Volume 24(4); 2015 > Article
Exercise Science 2015;24(4): 337-342. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2015.24.4.337
운동처방 및 스포츠재활 사례연구 작성을 위한 지침
전주대학교 운동처방학과
Consideration and Guideline on Writing a Case Report of Exercise Prescription and Sports Rehabilitation
Yong-Kweon Kim
Correspondence  Yong-Kweon Kim , Tel: +82-10-3668-4956, Fax: +82-63-220-2780, Email: caliperkim@hanmail.net
Received: October 28, 2015;  Accepted: November 17, 2015.  Published online: November 30, 2015.
The purpose of this review was to suggest considerations and general guidelines for writing a case report in the field of exercise prescription and sports rehabilitation.
A total of 46 case reports published in Korean journals were reviewed. Thirty three of them were published in the Journal in Korean Society of Sports Medicine, all of which were on surgical techniques or sports injuries unique to athletes. The remaining 13 reports were found in the Korean Society of Exercise Physiology and the Official Journal of the Korean Academy of Kinesiology, dealing with specific exercise programs on various cases.
All of case reports were divided by 9 categories: 1) choice of a good case; the case must be a human subject with an unique disease and physical condition and/or who provides a message in controlling exercise, 2) title of a case report; it should provide new information and specific exercise programs, 3) introduction of a case; it should be concise and specific to the case, 4) presentation of a case; case presentation should be clearly described and disclose a written informed consent, 5) method of and response to an exercise program; in this section, it should clearly describe a reaction and response to an exercise program or specific movement, 6) results; the results should report tables or figures of key measurements before and after exercise program, 7) discussion about a case; it should not just be an interesting description of the case, but address important clinical issues, and authors should always attempt to maintain reasonable balance between new information and review of existing literature, 9) conclusion; it should summarize take-home messages, interesting results, exercise teaching points, and new knowledge.
It is concluded that case reports can help reviewers and exercise specialists improve quality of their works. A case report should address uniqueness of a case, objectivities, interpretations, and educational values. Therefore, this paper may be helpful to clinicians and researchers writing a case report in the field of exercise prescription and sports rehabilitation.
Key words: case report, exercise prescription, sports rehabilitation, guideline, exercise
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