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Exerc Sci > Volume 14(1); 2005 > Article
Exercise Science 2005;14(1): 87-104.
운동처방분야 체육지도자(가칭, 운동사) 양성 제도 개선에 관한 연구
Development of new policies and strategies to improve educational preparation, training, and certification systemfor exercise and sport rehabilitation specialist in Korea
Oak, J.S. Study of the development of new policies and strategies to improve educational preparation, training, and certification systems for the exercise specialist in Korea. Exercise Science, 14(1): 87-104, 2005. The purpose of this study was to analyze current policies and strategies for preparing Exercise Specialists in Korea and for identifying possible new standards and strategies. The major problem of the current policies in this field was that the Exercise Specialists and Sport for All Leaders were not in the proper tracks. Also, because a Master Degree was required to be an First Class Sport for All Leaders, undergraduate degree holder could not sit for the Board of Certification (BOC) examination. The requirement of the pre-certification education for taking the BOC examination created a dysfunction in the college education, and there was a lack of effective continuing educational management for certified personnel. To solve the above problems, and to produce more qualified certified personnel effectively, the following recommendations were suggested. (1) The training for the Exercise Specialists needs to be separated from the Sport for All Leaders track. (2) The qualification of the BOC examination for the Exercise Specialists needs to change to a minimum of Bachelor degree (includes expected graduates) and the pre-certification education requirement needs to be eliminated. (3) The management needs to be more effective and the job placement opportunities need to be more productive for certified personnel. In conclusion, to implement the suggested training policies and strategies for Exercise Specialists, there is a need for cooperation and positive efforts between related organizations and associations under the guidance of Governmental Sports Administration.
Key words: Exercise Specialist, job opportunity, certification, board of certification, continuing education, association.
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