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Exerc Sci > Volume 13(3); 2004 > Article
Exercise Science 2004;13(3): 289-300.
걷기운동유형과 속도에 따른 호흡순환계 반응
전종귀1, 박희근1, 이상기2
Cardiorespiratory responses to the types and speeds of walking
Cardiorespiratory responses to the types and speeds of walking. Exercise Science, 13(3): 289-300, 2004. Cardiorespiratory responses to the types and speeds of walking in seven male collegiate students were observed. Treadmill walking in forward(FW), backward(BW), and lateral(LW) directions were performed at normal and fast speed which were selected by each subject during the pretest period. VO2 and HR were measured at pre-exercise and every min during the 5 minutes of exercise . BP was measured at pre- exercise and 5 minutes after exercise. The two way repeated measures ANOVA was used for statistical analysis. Statistical significance was accepted at the p<.05 level. In case of normal walking, the fasttest walking is FW and LW is slowest. In case of brisk walking, FW is fasttest. LW is faster than BW. The responses of VO2, HR, and BP are not significantly different among 3 walking types, but the VO2s and HRs during BW and LW are increased more significantly than those during FW. The systolic BPs during BW and LW are increased more sharply than those during FW ; that during LW is increased more sharply than that during BW in case of normal walking. The systolic blood pressures during LW and BW are increased more sharply than those during FW in case of brisk walking. The results of this study suggest that LW and BW could also be considered as one of effective ways to develope the cardiorespiratory exercise program and the rehabilitation program for the lower limbs.
Key words: Walking, Cardiorespiratory response, Exercise prescription
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