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Exerc Sci > Volume 16(2); 2007 > Article
Exercise Science 2007;16(2): 95-102.
허리둘레와 BMI 기준에 따른 비만집단 간 아디포사이토카인 및 대사증후군 지표 비교
강현식1, 한태경2, 이신호1, 박수현3, 홍혜련1, 이상화1
Comparison of adipocytokines and metabolic syndrome indices between obesity I and obesity II groups based on the criteria of waist circumference and body mass index
Kang, H.S., Han, T.K., Lee, S.H., Hong, H.L., Lee, S.H., & Park, S.H. Comparison of adipocytokines and metabolic syndrome indices between obesity I and obesity II groups based on the criteria of waist circumference and body mass index. Exercise Science. 16(2): 95-102, 2007. The purpose of thus study was to compare group differences in adipocytokines and obesity-related metabolic syndrome indices between obesity I and obesity I groups based on the criteria of waist circumference and body mass index in mid-life women. A total of 30 women volunteers were classified as either obesity I group who met the abdominal obesity criterion only(waist circumference of ≥80 cm, n=18, 42.6±5.2yrs) or obesity II group(n=12, 45.0±4.6yrs) who met both of BMI (≥25 kg/m2) and abdominal obesity criteria. Mean values of anthropometric variables(i.e., BMI, waist circumference, BF%, WHR), cardiopulmonary fitness, circulating lipids(TG, TC, HDLC, LDLC), glucose, insulin, leptin and adiponectin were compared between the two groups. In addition, they all underwent an oral glucose tolerance test of 70 g carbohydrate for 2 hours. In the group analyses, the obesity II group had significantly higher values of obesity indices than the obesity I group, with no significant group difference in cardiorespiratory fitness. With respect to metabolic syndrome indices, the obesity II group had significantly higher values of TG, glucose, area under the curve(AUC) during oral glucose tolerance test, BP, and leptin than the obesity I group, with no group difference in adiponectin level. The current findings of the study suggest that utilizing both criteria of obesity such as BMI and waist circumference would provide additional and useful diagnostic information regarding the status of obesity-related metabolic syndrome in mid-life women.
Key words: Waist circumference, BMI, Metabolic syndrome index
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