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Exerc Sci > Volume 16(2); 2007 > Article
Exercise Science 2007;16(2): 165-176.
Restraint stress suppresses hippocampal neurogenesis in adult female rats: reversal by exercise
김창주1, 천병옥1, 김학렬2, 이삼준3
Restraint stress suppresses hippocampal neurogenesis in adult female rats: reversal by exercise
Kim, C.J., Chon, B.O., Kim, H.L., & Lee, S.J. Restraint stress suppresses hippocampal neurogenesis in adult rats: reversal by exercise. Exercise Science, 16(2): 165-176, 2007. The purpose of this study was to test whether the exercise decrease or increase neurogenesis on the hippocampal dentate gyrus in adult female rats from the restraint stress-induced treatment. Cell neurogenesis occurs in the dentate gyrus of the mammalian hippocampus throughout adult later life, and incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) into DNA can serve as a marker of cell division associated with such neurogenesis. We examined the effects of a restraint stressor (3 h once a day during 6 weeks) and exercise immediately following exposure of restraint stressed on hippocampal neurogenesis in SpragueDawley female rats. Animals were killed immediately following treatments (control group, restraint stress group, exercise plus restraint stress group, and exercise group, n= 10, respectively) and their brains were prepared for immunohistochemical studies. Restraint stress caused significant decreases in hippocampal neurogenesis indicating that the experienced stress was adverse effects for neurogenesis in hippocampal brain adult rats. The exercise treatment following the restraint procedure also caused a significant increase in BrdU labeling in the hippocampal dentate gyrus of SpragueDawley rats. Hippocampal cell neurogenesis appears to respond same to restraint stress plus exercise and exercise groups in adult female rats. Our finding may indicate that prolonged restraint stress is reversed by exercise following the stress-induced decreased neurogenesis.
Key words: restraint stress, exercise, neurogenesis, hippocampus
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