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Exerc Sci > Volume 18(1); 2009 > Article
Exercise Science 2009;18(1): 143-150. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2009.18.1.143
최적 체중감량 수준 설정에 관한 연구
박명규, 강희성, 성지만
Research about establishment of the most suitable weight reduction level
The purpose of this thesis is to introduce the best method of weight reduction for high school student weight athletes. In this research, we measured the VO2max before the weight reduction regime in 6 athletes (2 judo players, 2 boxers, 2 wrestler) high school student weight athletes. This was measured again after a 3% weight reduction, and a final time after 8% weight reduction. It was meusured by the above suggested method HRmax and execise maintenance time were measured. The measurements for VO2max and Execise maintenance time and HRmax were conducted at the 3% weight reduction mark which was on the third day of training and at the 8% weight reduction mark which was on the 8th day of training. As a results, We have found no signigicant difference in VOmax on the third day of testing at 3% weight reduction. However, after 8 days and 8% weight reduction, the VOmax levels decreased. Exercise maintenance time After 3 days and 3% weight reduction, there was no significant difference in exercise endurance time. there was a significant difference in endurance after 8 days and 8 percent weight reduction. HRmax had decresed sisnificantly ofter eight days and 8% weight reduction whereas there was no significant change after 3 day
Key words: weight reduction, VO2max, HRmax
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