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Exerc Sci > Volume 12(3); 2003 > Article
Exercise Science 2003;12(3): 391-397.
지구성 운동이 알코올 섭취 후 혈중젖산농도에 미치는 영향
An, J.H. The Effect of Endurance Exercise on Lactate Concentration in Blood after Alcohol Uptake. Exercise Science, 12(3): 391-397, 2003. In this study, to observe the change of lactate concentration in blood by endurance after alcohol uptake, 20 male collegers of 30 members were divided 10 members of controlled group and 10 members of alcohol uptake group, 10 members of alcohol uptake & endurance exercise group. An uptaken alcohol concentration were 40%(150cc). uptaken al were exercise alcohol The Propose of this study was to analyze the To measure the lactate concentration in blood, the treadmill exercise less than 60%HRmax was performed at the speed of 6mph for 30 minutes. The measure of lactate concentration in blood was after alcohol uptake before exercise, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180 minutes. The lactate concentration in blood of the group who did not take exercise after drinking was lower level of 1.63mMol/dl 30 minutes after drinking, but it rose to 2.22mMol/dl 90 minutes after and it began to higher by degrees form 120 minutes after and reached at the level of 2.39mMol/dl. It began to lower by degree form 150 minutes after and reach at the level of 2.31mMol/dl at 180 minutes after.The lactate concentration of group who took exercise after drinking alcohol reached its maximum of 3.44mMol/dl 30 minutes after exercise, lowered to the level of 3.29mMol/dl 60 minutes. and 2.82mMol/dl 90 minutes after exercise was lower than level of the not take exercise group after drinking. And at last 180 minutes after, it got to 2.19mMol/dl much lower than those of the non-exercise-taking group(p=.000).Although, these facts shows that exercise after drinking is very effective in the reduction of lactic acid as well as alcohol concentration in blood.
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