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Exerc Sci > Volume 15(1); 2006 > Article
Exercise Science 2006;15(1): 51-60.
아마추어 마라토너의 체력수준에 따른 적정한 마라톤 수행 시간 예측
이규승1, 강신일2, 이종호3, 김종인2
1대전 동구보건소
Prediction on optimal marathon performance time according to hysical fitness level in recreational runners
Lee, K.S., Kang, S.I., Kim, J.I., Lee, J.H. Prediction on optimal marathon performance time according to physical fitness level in recreational runners. Exercise Science, 15(1), 51-60, 2006. The purpose of this study was to predict marathon performance time according to physical fitness level in 40s male recreational runners. The subjects have problems that smoke, take a drug, exercise-induced hypertension and <95% of HRmax in exercise test were excepted and were <3 times in participation experience of standard marathon course. Finally, 81 subjects used as a data. O2max, waist-hip ratio(WHR), body fat percentage(%body fat), flexibility, body mass index(BMI), resting heart rate(HRrest) and one repetition maximum(abdominal muscle strength, thigh quadriceps muscle strength, thigh biceps muscle strength) were measured. O2max was found as the best predictor among the many independent variables. O2max was a high negative correlation with marathon finish time (42.195km :r=-0.83, p<.0001. 21km : r=-0.81, p<.0001). The regression model generated the following prediction equations : 1) 42.195 km (min) = 421.29 - 3.86 x O2max. 2) 21.0975 km (min) = 123.97 - 1.28 x O2max + 45.76 x WHR.
Key words: marathon, recreational runner, prediction equation, VO2max
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