9주간 복합운동 프로그램이 댄스스포츠 선수인 여고생의 체력, 혈액성분, 산화적 스트레스 및 항산화 능력에 미치는 영향 |
임채성1, 지용석2, 장창현1 |
1선문대학교 2한서대학교 |
The effects of physical fitness, blood component, oxidant stress and antioxidant capacity to 9-weeks complex training in girls high school dance sport players. |
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of physical fitness, blood component, oxidant stress and antioxidant capacity to 9-weeks complex training in girls high school dance sport players. This was performed by analyzing 16 female high school dance sport athletes and 8 ordinary female high school students who were divided into 3 groups DS+CT (dance sport+complex training), DS (dance sport), C (control) of which each composed of 8 students. The results of the study can be summarized as follows : 1. Physical fitness showed that muscular strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, agility, power increased after the exercise from the group of DS+CT (p<.05, p<.01). DS and C did not show any significant difference. 2. Blood component showed that HDL-C increased after the exercise from the group of DS+CT (p<.05). DS showed significant difference in TC (p<.05). C (control croup) did not show any significant difference. 3. Oxidant stress and antioxidant capacity showed that antioxidant capacity increased after the exercise from the group of DS+CT (p<.05). DS and C did not show any significant difference. In conclusions, this study suggests that the 9 weeks combined exercise program can improve physical fitness, blood component, oxidant stress and antioxidant capacity in girls high school dance sport players. |
Key words:
Complex training, Dance sport, Blood component, Physical fitness, Oxidant stress, Antioxidant capacity |