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Exerc Sci > Volume 13(2); 2004 > Article
Exercise Science 2004;13(2): 167-176.
과체중 및 비만 여성에서 운동 후 ST 분절의 상승과 심박수-회복 궤도(Rate-Recovery Loop)의 변화
고성경1, 최건식2
Post-Exercise ST Segment Elevation and the Rate-Recovery Loop in Obese and Hyperlipidemic Women
Post-Exercise ST Segment Elevation and the Rate-Recovery Loop in Obese and Hyperlipidemic Women. Exercise Science, 13(2): 167-176, 2004. This study investigated post-exercise ST segment elevation and the rate-recovery loop in obese and hyperlipidemic women. The subjects were 25-40 years old and were classified into four groups: Normal Weight (NW, n=12), Overweight-Normal Cholesterol (OWNC, n=12), Overweight-Hypercholesterolemic (OWHC, n=15), and Obese- Hypercholesterolemic (OHC, n=11). During and after treadmill exercise, the ST segment was measured in ECG lead V5. The Rate-RLI (recovery loop index) was the mean ST segment elevation during each heartbeat in the rate-recovery loop. During exercise, the ST segment was depressed. The ST segments in the OWNC, OWHC, and OHC groups were depressed below 100㎶ (1mm), which is considered diagnostic of ischemia. In the same groups, the ST segments differed significantly from the respective resting level in each group at 6-min exercise and submaximum in NW, at submaximum and 1-min recovery in OWNC, at 6-min exercise, submaximum, and 1-min recovery in OWHC, and at submaximum and 1- and 3-min recovery in OHC. The rate-recovery loops were counterclockwise in NW, OWNC, and OWHC, but clockwise in OHC. The Rate-RLI was +335, +467, +354, and +215㎶ in NW, OWNC, OWHC, and OHC, respectively. There was not post-exercise ST segment depression in normal or obese woman, but the ST segment was elevated above the normal level immediately after stopping exercise. The rate-recovery loop of obese women was an intermediate loop, reflecting a higher risk of coronary artery disease than in women of normal weight.
Key words: post-exercise ST segment elevation, rate- recovery loop index
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