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Exerc Sci > Volume 15(4); 2006 > Article
Exercise Science 2006;15(4): 319-328.
근육군 동원 형태와 운동강도에 따른 혈중 피로요소의 변화
Effects of changes in blood fatigue induction factors following different muscle group recruitment exercise
Jin, H.E. Effects of changes in blood fatigue induction factors following different muscle group recruitment exercise. Exercise Science. 15(4): 319-328, 2006. The purpose of this study is to examine the changes in blood fatigue induction factors when the different muscles of upper body(A), lower body(L) and whole body(AL) were used in different exercise intensities(. There were seven subjects, who participated in exercises which involved VO2max(V) and three absolute intensity exercise(supramax(S), medium(M), minimum(N)), using arm ergometer and cycle ergometer. This study was examined every three days. The result of this study showed a different form of fatigue factors changes with different muscle mass recruitment and exercise intensities. The traits of the fatigue factors were found differently according to the exercise intensities, recruited muscle mass, or both of these. Moreover, the accumulation of fatigue factors depends on various and complex physiological reactions, the studies to examine the relation between the different level of muscle recruitment and corresponding fatigue factors change must be continued.
Key words: volume of oxygen, exercise intensity, muscle mass, lactate, ammonia, phosphorous, pH
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