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Exerc Sci > Volume 11(1); 2002 > Article
Exercise Science 2002;11(1): 131-143.
탄력밴드운동시 NIDDM 환자의 혈장내 Leptin 수준과 Insulin, Glucose 신체구성성분과의 관련성 분석
이규성1, 김문희2
Lee, K.S., Kim, M.H. The Analysis of Relationships on Plasma Leptin and Insulin, Glucose Levels and Body Composition in Obese Women with NIDDM during Band Training. Exercise Science, 11(1): 131-143, 2002. To evaluate analysis of relationships on plasma leptin and insulin, glucose levels and body composition 20 obese subjects with NIDDM were enrolled in 12 weeks of band-resistance training. The training program consisted of band exercise for 40min at least 5 times per week, with the intensity of exercise maintained at 50% of 1RM. Serum leptin levels decreased significantly in the exercise training group (p<.05), but not in the sedentary group. Body weight and percentage body fat decreased in the exercise training group, but not in sedentary group. However, The concentrations of plasma insulin and NEFAs did not differ between the groups either before or after exercise training. This study demonstrates that band-resistance training in obese women with NIDDM subjects reduces serum leptin levels dependent of changes in body fat mass during 12 weeks of band-resistance training
Key words: Leptin, band training
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