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Exerc Sci > Volume 13(4); 2004 > Article
Exercise Science 2004;13(4): 471-480.
안정시, 운동중 및 회복기의 단련자와 비단련자의 자율신경 활동 비교
공미애1, 강희성2, 김종식3
Comparison of autonomic nerve activity between trained and untrained at rest, during exercise, and recovery period
Comparison of autonomic nerve activity between trained and untrained at rest, during exercise, and recovery period. Exercise Science, 13(4): 471-480, 2004. The purpose of this study was to investigate the comparison of autonomic nerve activity between trained and untrained at rest, during exercise, and recovery period. Five middle and long distance runners and five general female students were selected as subjects. Autonomic nerve activities were measured with ECG 192 R-R intervals by using "NERVE EXPRESS 2.2.(Heart Rhythm Instruments, Inc. USA)" at rest, during exercise, and recovery period.Results obtained were as follows:1. At rest, the level of parasymapthetic nerve activity of trained were higher than that of untrained. But sympathetic nerve activity level were higher in untrained.2. During exercise, the level of sympathetic nerve activity increased highly in both groups. On the contrary parasympathetic nerve activity indicated rapid withdrawal. The speed of parasympathetic withdrawal was more faster in trained.3. During recovery period, the recovery speed of parasympathetic nerve activity was more higher in trained. But the recovery speed of sympathetic nerve activity was more slower in untrained.It is concluded that trained indicated dominant parasympathetic nerve activity at rest and more faster withdrawal during exercise and more rapid recovery after cessation of exercise. This mechanism can explain the bradycardia in trained at rest, during exercise, and during recover period.
Key words: Heart rate, sympathetic nerve, parasympathetic nerve, exercise
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