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Exerc Sci > Volume 19(4); 2010 > Article
Exercise Science 2010;19(4): 401-412. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2010.19.4.401
국선도 수련이 중년 여성의 신체구성, 혈액성분, 체력에 미치는 영향
The effect of Kuksun-Do training on body composition, ingredient of blood and physical fitness in middle aged women
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of the basic level of Kuksun-do training program for 12 weeks on body composition, ingredient of blood, and physical fitness. 14 middle aged females participated in this study and were divided into experimental group(EG: n=7, 42.71±5.15) and control group(CG: n=7, 43.57±6.55). They were measured for body weight, % body fat, WHR, BMD of radius, FVC, grip strength, VO2max, sit-up, sergeant jump, side step, sited upper body bent, glucose, triglyceride, total cholesterol, HDL-C and LDL-C. The static analysis was performed by using repeated measure ANOVA. postThe significant level was set up p<.05. There were significant differences to reduce on body weight(5.62%), % body fat(11.80%), and WHR(1.48%) in EG after 12 weeks. There were significant differences to increase on HDL-C(23.47%) in EG after 12 weeks. There were significant difference on FVC(10.88%), sit-up(49.82%), VO2max(39.30%), and sited upper body bent(23.70%) in EG after 12 weeks. Therefore, this study suggests that the Kuksun-do training has a positive effect on body weight, % body fat, blood lipid, and cardio pulmonary function.
Key words: kuksun-do, body composition, ingredient of blood, physical fitness
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