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Exerc Sci > Volume 12(4); 2003 > Article
Exercise Science 2003;12(4): 653-662.
운동수행에 따른 쥐의 골격근 형태별 UCP-3 mRNA의 변화
양대승1, 김문희2, 이승국3, 김철현3, 오유성4, 조준용3, 방상식5, 이규성3
Yang, D.S., Kim, C.H., Leem, Y.H., Kim, M.H., Lee, S.K., Bang, S.S., Oh, Y.S., Cho, J.Y., Lee, K.S. The changes of UCP-3 mRNA of obese Zucker rats during exercise training. Exercise Science, 12(4): 653-662, 2003. The factors that regulate gene expression of uncoupling protein-3 (UCP-3) in skeletal muscle are poorly understood, but uncoupling protein-3 gene is clearly responsive to the metabolic state of organism. Therefore, We tested the hypothesis that chronic endurance exercise would alter UCP-3 gene expression. After 12wk endurance treadmill exercise, UCP-3mRNA levels of trained obese Zucker rat were decreased [vs. lean-type Zucker rat (100%) vs. obese Zucker rat control] in all two tissues. In addition, cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL-C levels were significantly reduced in trained rats, whereas citrate synthase activites were significantly increased in trained rats. The results of this study show that a need for a higher metabolic efficiency is associated with decreased mRNA expression of the uncoupling protein-3 (UCP-3) which would decrease energy dissipation in these tissues.
Key words: treadmill running, uncoupling protein-3 mRNA, citrate synthase
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