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Exerc Sci > Volume 11(2); 2002 > Article
Exercise Science 2002;11(2): 335-344.
단기간의 체중 감량이 체력수준과 혈액성분에 미치는 영향
김은성, 장명재, 장완성, 이만균
Kim, E.S., Jang, M.J., Lee, M.G., and Jang, W.S. Effects of short-term weight loss on physical fitness level and blood variables. Exercise Science, 11(2), 335-344, 2002. This study was designed to examine the effects of short-term weight lose on physical fitness level and various blood variables. Eight high school Taekwondo players were asked to lose at least 5% of their body weight in 72 hours. Various variables related physical fitness and blood were measured before and after the weight loss, and the two results were compared. The results were as follows: 1. The mean weight showed significant decrease after a short-term weight loss. 2. The body fat did not show significant change. 3. The lean body mass showed significant decrease. 4. In terms of anaerobic capacity, the peak power, lowest power, and power decrease did not show significant differences. 5. In terms of aerobic capacity, the VO2max, VCO2max, and RQ showed significant decrease. 6. Muscular endurance of upper body decreased significantly. 7. The result of the blood test showed significant difference in total protein, Na+, P+, and FFA after the short-term weight loss program. The short-term weight loss resulted in serious decrease in the aerobic capacity of the Taekwondo players. Considering the fact that the Taekwondo players must participate in 6~8 matches a day, desirable performance might not be impossible without outstanding aerobic ability. It was conclusion that it would be more beneficial for Taekwondo players to develope a long-term weight management program rather than short-term weight loss.
Key words: weight loss, Taekwondo players, physical fitness, aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity
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