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Exerc Sci > Volume 15(3); 2006 > Article
Exercise Science 2006;15(3): 173-180.
12개월간의 운동이 고령자의 림프구 아집단에 미치는 영향
Effects of 12 months of exercise training on lymphocyte subsets in the elderly humans
Lee, H.S. Effects of 12 months of exercise training on lymphocyte subsets in the elderly humans. Exercise Science. 15(3): 173-180, 2006. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 12 months of exercise training on lymphocyte subsets in the elderly humans. Twenty seven elderly humans (7 men, 20 women; mean (SD) age 66.1 (4.20) years) continuously participated exercise training for 60-90 minute/day, 2days/week (resistance/1day, endurance/1day), for 12 months. Lymphocyte subsets number(leukocyte, lymphocyte, NK, T, Th, Tc, Th1, memory-Th, and NKT cells) were measured before training, and at five and 12 months during the training period. leukocyte, lymphocyte, NK, and Tc cells number were not significantly different at time course during the training period. T and Th cells number were significantly increased after 12 months of training than at before training (p<.05, p<.01 respectively). Th1 cells number was significantly increased after 12 months of training (p<.01) compared with before and five months of training. Memory-Th and NKT cells number were significantly increased after both five (p<.01) and 12 months of training (p<.01) compared with before of training. Also, after 12 months of training, memory-Th and NKT cells number were significantly increased than at five months of training (p<.01). A continuous exercise training of 12 months seem to maintain or enhance immune function in elderly humans.
Key words: 12 months of exercise training, elderly humans, lymphocyte subsets
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