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Exerc Sci > Volume 24(1); 2015 > Article
Exercise Science 2015;24(1): 1-12. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2015.24.1.1
동물모델과 유산소운동 프로그램 설계
윤진환1, 곽효범2
Animal Models and Aerobic Exercise Program Design
The purpose of this systemic review was to (i) investigate the characteristics of aerobic exercise modalities in animal models; and (ii) to provide exercise and/or medical scientists with basic knowledge and skills to design aerobic exercise programs in animal models.
Because the evidence of exercise benefits continues to be accumulated, many exercise and/or medical scientists have been interested in performing systemic studies on the cellular and molecular mechanisms by which exercise training affects the structure and function in every tissue and organ in human and animal models. However, the use of human subjects is neither feasible nor desirable in some exercise studies, which are unethical because of invasive techniques and procedures. Therefore, animal exercise models have been developed for experimental protocols to test the impact of acute and chronic exercise on physiology, biochemistry, biology, and heath outcomes. We reviewed previous literatures focused on aerobic exercise modalities in rodents such as rats and mice with MEDLINE, PubMed, and Scopus databases because these rodents are most commonly used for exercise studies.
There were three kinds of popular aerobic exercise modalities including treadmill running, voluntary wheel running, and swimming. We addressed the advantages and disadvantages as well as rationale for the use of the exercise modality in the various animal models. In addition, we provided the summaries of specific animal exercise programs (intensity, time, frequency, & duration) in treadmill running, voluntary wheel running, and swimming, which have been developed and selected in previous studies.
The aerobic exercise programs in rodents are effective in the following protocols; treadmill running (15-20min/min, 10% grade, 5days/week, 8-12weeks), voluntary wheel running (more than 4-8weeks), and swimming (30-35℃, 2-4% of body weight, 60-120min/day, 5days/week, 4-12weeks)."
Key words: animal model, aerobic exercise program, treadmill running, voluntary wheel running, swimming
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