12주 복합운동에 따른 과체중 및 비만아동의 신체구성과 골밀도 변화의 상관관계 |
김현준1, 신기옥2, 이광무3 |
1경남대학교 2Kyoto University 3공주교육대학교 |
Correlations of Body Composition and Bone Mineral Density According to 12-weeks Combined Exercise in Overweight and Obese Children |
Kim, H.J., Lee. K.M., Shin, K.O. Correlations of Body Composition and Bone Mineral Density According to 12-weeks Combined Exercise in Overweight and Obese children. Exercise Science, 16(3), 253-262, 2007. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the effectiveness of combined exercise for 12 weeks on the variables of body composition and bone mineral density(BMD) in overweight and obese children. Fourteen participants (BMI≥21.3) were randomly allocated to combined exercise group (EG, n=7) and control group (CG, n=7). The EG participated in 50 minutes of walking exercise and band exercises as resistance training two days a week for 12 weeks. There were significant group×time interaction effects in weight(p<.001), BMI(p<.001), legs percent of fat mass(p<.001), trunk percent of fat mass(p<.01), total percent of fat mass(p<.001), legs fat mass(p<.01), total fat mass(p<.001), legs bone mineral density(BMD)(p<.05) and total BMD(p<.05) after intervention. Changes of weight, arms bone mineral content(BMC), BMI and legs fat mass and trunk LBM were independent predictive factors of total BMD and legs BMD, respectively. These findings suggest that combined exercise can be useful intervention in the prevention of fracture and osteoporosis in overweight and obese children. |
Key words:
obese children, combined Exercise, bone mineral density, body composition, fracture, osteoporosis |