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Exerc Sci > Volume 16(3); 2007 > Article
Exercise Science 2007;16(3): 233-242. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2007.16.3.233
합토글로빈 다형성이 8주간 유산소 운동에 의한 혈청 철분 및 합토글로빈 농도 변화에 미치는 영향
Influences on changes in serum iron and haptoglobin levels following 8 weeks aerobic exercise according to haptoglobin polymorphism
Jung, I.G. Influences on changes in serum iron and haptoglobin levels following 8 weeks aerobic exercise according to haptoglobin polymorphism. Exercise Science, 16(3): 233-242, 2007. In this study, We divided my study subjects into 7 persons with Hp21 phenotype and 7 persons with Hp22 phenotype, respectively, and investigated the changes in serum iron and haptoglobin levels following 8 weeks aerobic exercise training according to haptoglobin polymorphism. The phenotype and allele distributions of haptoglobin polymorphism were determined by protein electrophoresis method, and the serum iron and haptoglobin levels measured by automatic analyzer. When the changes in serum iron and haptoglobin levels following 8 weeks aerobic training were analyzed, the levels in serum iron and haptoglobin were gradually decreased until 30 min after recovery, and thereafter, returned to nearly normal level in the both before and after aerobic training. When the changes in serum and haptoglobin levels following 8 weeks aerobic training according to haptoglobin polymorphism were assessed, serum iron and haptoglobin levels in individuals with Hp21 phenotype were significantly higher in all sampling period than those with Hp22 phenotype(For serum level, F=11.259, P=.001. For serum haptoglobin level, F=6.692, P=.011). Therefore, our results suggest that the interaction between 8 weeks aerobic training and haptoglobin polymorphism may significantly influences the serum iron and haptoglobin levels of our subjects. Therefore, further studies to clarify the mechanism behind this metabolic interaction will be required.
Key words: Aerobic exercise training, Haptoglobin, Iron
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