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Exerc Sci > Volume 18(2); 2009 > Article
Exercise Science 2009;18(2): 265-272. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2009.18.2.265
운동 후 회복기 스포츠마사지가 근 기능에 미치는 영향
백승현1, 강희성2, 신명희1, 성지만2
he effect of sports massage treatment on muscle functions during a period of recovery after exercise
The study which measured a rest recovery and a sports massage recovery for identical objects after exercise and observed repeatedly about the change of the level of muscle tension and fatigue analyzed by electromyography. The identical objects were sixteen university students participated at a week interval in the study. The exercise test carried out the maximum exercise on the treadmill using the maximum heart rates, which were predicted by the age of subjects. During the recovery periods, we analyzed a rest recovery and 20minute-sports massage recovery. Consequently, we could get these results. 1. After exercise, there was not much difference about the change of RMS of the lumbar and sura according to a rest recovery and sports massage treatments between before doing an exercise and after the exercise. However, after the recovery, there was a significant difference statistically. (p< .01) 2. After exercise, there was not much difference about the change of MEF of the lumbar and sura according to a rest recovery and sports massage treatments between before doing an exercise and after the exercise. However, after the recovery, there was a significant difference statistically. (p< .001) From the results, we could reach the clear point of difference between the rest recovery and the sports massage recovery during a period of recovery after the exercise. The sports massage treatments leaded fast recovery.
Key words: Sports Massage, Muscle Tension, Muscle Fatigue, Electromyography
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