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Exerc Sci > Volume 24(3); 2015 > Article
Exercise Science 2015;24(3): 283-289. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2015.24.3.283
다이버의 일회성 저수온 노출이 혈중 FGF21, Irisin 및 T3에 미치는 영향
전유나1), 라승구2), 김창근1)*
Effect of a bout of acute cold water immersion on circulating FGF21, Irisin and T3 hormones in SCUBA divers
Yu-Nah Jeon1), Seung-Goo Ra2), Chang-Keun Kim1)*
Correspondence  Chang-Keun Kim , Tel: +82-2-410-6815, Email: ckkim@knsu.ac.kr
Received: June 27, 2015;  Accepted: August 17, 2015.  Published online: August 30, 2015.
It has been understood that brown fat or beige adipose tissues can facilitate heat production through non-shivering thermogenesis. FGF21, irisin, or T3 hormones are believed to enhance brown fat activation and increase in cold environment and exercise. The purpose of this study was to determine the changes of circulating FGF21, irisin, T3 hormone concentrations during the acute diving activity in divers who have been undergone long-term intermittent cold exposure.
Seven SCUBA divers who have been diving at least for 5 years with 50 to 100 diving records per year participated in this study. A bout of acute diving was performed in the east sea (13-14 ℃) for 30 min. Blood samples were obtained from arm vein at pre- and post-diving, and after an hour recovery. Serum FGF21, Plasma irisin and serum T3, TG and FFA were assayed.
Serum FGF21 level was increased after 30 min of diving (p=.043, 138%) compared to pre-diving and after one hour of recovery to pre-diving level (p=.018, 65%). However, plasma irisin, T3 , FFA, TG levels were unchanged both after post-diving and one hour recovery(p>.05).
It is concluded that heat generation through non-shivering thermogenesis may play a major role during the acute diving activity in divers who have been undergone long-term intermittent cold exposure.
Key words: cold exposure, thermogenesis, brown adipose tissue, FGF21, irisin, T3
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