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Exerc Sci > Volume 21(1); 2012 > Article
Exercise Science 2012;21(1): 149-162. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2012.21.1.149
아동의 ACE 및 IGF-I 유전자의 복합적 다형성에 따른 체력, 대사증후군 위험인자 및 12주 복합운동효과의 비교
김기진, 안나영, 홍창배, 고진호, 김재훈, 변자영, 주영식, 김상현
Comparison of physical fitness, metabolic syndrome risk factors and 12 week combined exercise intervention-mediated effects according to interaction between ACE and IGF-I gene polymorphism in children.
The propose of the present study was to analyze physical fitness, metabolic syndrome risk factors and 12 week combined exercise intervention-mediated effects according to interaction between ACE and IGF-I gene polymorphism in children. We studied elementary school students (n=176) who were divided into 9 groups (192/192-II, ID, DD, 192/Non-II, ID, DD and Non-II, ID, DD) according to interaction between ACE and IGF-1 gene polymorphism. Subjects were measured the physical fitness, metabolic risk factors, Serum levels of IGF-I and ACE. ACE level in serum of 192/Non-DD group were significantly (p<.05) higher than 192/192-II, 192/Non-I and Non-ID group, but IGF-I level in serum were not different among group. All physical fitness and exercise effects of physical fitness according to ACE and IGF-I gene polymorphism were not different among group. Triglyceride of 192/192-DD group were significantly (p<.05) higher than 192/192-II, 192/Non-II, -ID, -DD and Non-II group. In conclusion, we could not find the significant differences of physical fitness and 12 week exercise-mediated changes according to interaction between IGF-I and ACE gene polymorphism, but 12 week exercise-mediated changes of triglyceride concentration and insulin sensitivity showed a signficant difference according to interaction between IGF-I and ACE gene polymorphism.
Key words: IGF-I, ACE, Gene polymorphism, Physical fitness, Metabolic syndrome
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