복합운동이 중년남성의 스트레스 호르몬, 심근 손상지표, 지질과산화 및 항산화 효소에 미치는 영향 |
오유성1, 곽이섭2, 하민성3 |
1서울시립대학교 2동의대학교 3부산대학교 |
Effects of combined exercise on stress hormone, heart muscle damage indices, lipid peroxides and antioxidant enzyme in older male |
The purpose of this study was attempted to identify the effects of combined exercise on stress hormone, heart muscle damage indices, lipid peroxides and plasma antioxidant enzyme in older males. For this study, 24 older males were recruited as participants. The participants were randomized divided into two groups, exercise group(n=12) and control group(n=12). The exercise group was trained combined exercise(aerobic and resistance exercise) program during 16 weeks(4-5 days per week). And the pre and post experiments respectively, a measurement of blood samples were took 2 times, which were at pre and post experiment, to measure concentration of plasma cortisol, CK-MB, TBARS, MDA and SOD. The analyzed data brought about the following results by using two-way Repeated ANOVA with SPSS 18.0. The results of the research was as follows. First, according to stress hormone of plasma cortisol level was significant between time and time☓group(p<.01). Second, according to heart muscle damage indices of plasma CK-MB level, significant between time and time☓group(p<.01). Third, according to lipid peroxides of plasma TBARS level, not significant between time and group. However, plasma MDA level was significant between time and time☓group(p<.001). Fourth, according to antioxidant enzyme of plasma SOD level, significant between time and time☓group(p<.05). From the result, combined exercise may positively effects on stress hormone, heart muscle damage indices, lipid peroxides and antioxidant enzyme. So we wants to suggest combined exercise was positive effect on senescence. |
Key words:
Combined exercise, Stress hormone, Heart muscle damage indices, Lipid peroxides, Antioxidant enzyme, Senescence |