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Exerc Sci > Volume 21(4); 2012 > Article
Exercise Science 2012;21(4): 445-454. doi: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2012.21.4.445
유산소 운동이 중년여성의 혈중지질과스트레스 및 성장 호르몬에 미치는 영향 -나비골프 운동을 중심으로-
성지만1, 방기호1, 공미애2, 김종식3, 강희성1
The effects of aerobic exercise on blood lipids, stress and growth hormones of middle-aged women based on NaB golf training.
The study aims to identify the effects of a 12-week NaB golf training program on blood lipids, stress and growth hormones of middle-aged female. The experiment consists of an experimental group of seven subjects and a control group of seven subjects. The program was conducted 5 days per week for 12 weeks, where Weeks 1-4 were carried out on RPE 9~11, weeks 5~8 on RPE 11~13, weeks 9~12 on RPE 13~15. The concentration of blood lipids as well as stress and growth hormones were measured and analyzed. By analyzing pre-to-post changes in blood lipids, a significant reduction in TC in the experimental group (p<.01) was found and the same result was obtained for changes in TG in the experimental group(p<.01). The experimental group showed a high increase in HDL-C (p<.01). Based on the analysis of pre-to-post changes in LDL-C, the experimental group showed a significant drop (p<.05). In terms of hormone changes, a significant reduction in the level of stress hormones has been found (p<.05), but as for growth hormones no signigicant change has been found. As indicated above, NaB golf training program brought positive changes in TC and TG, HDL-C, LDL-C as well as stress hormones. Engaging in the program on a regular basis is considered to show positive effects on blood lipids and stress hormones of middle-aged women.
Key words: NaB golf, middle-aged women, blood lipids, stress hormones
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