복합운동이 유방암 환자의 건강관련 체력과 혈중 렙틴 및 인슐린 농도의 변화에 미치는 영향 |
이청무, 김수미, 나선영, 이난희 |
숙명여자대학교 |
The Effects of combined exercise training for breast cancer survivors in Health related fitness, Leptin and Insulin |
The Effects of combined exercise training for breast cancer survivors in Health related fitness, Leptin and Insulin. The purpose of this study was examine the effects of combined exercise training on health related fitness, leptin and insulin concentrations in breast cancer patients. Twenty sedentary, breast cancer survivors were randomly assigned either to a 12-week cardiovascular and elastic band strength training exercise intervention(3days/week) or to a usual care control group. Fasting leptin and insulin levels, body composition, harvard step, sit and reach, grip strength and sit up were collected at baseline and 12 weeks. The exercise group experienced significant increases in LBM(p<.05), cardiorespiratory endurance(p<.01), flexibility(p<.05) and muscle endurance(p<.01), but no significant changes in the control group. There was significant differences between groups in cardiorespiratory endurance(p<.05), flexibility(p<.001), and muscle endurance(p<.001). Fasting leptin concentrations decreased in the exercise group(p<.01), with no significant change in the control group and the comparison reached statistical significance(p<.01) between groups. Insulin concentrations decreased in the exercise group(p<.05), with no significant change in the control group and the comparison reached statistical significance(p<.05) between groups. Participation in an exercise intervention was associated with a significant decrease in leptin and insulin levels and increase in health related fitness in breast cancer survivors. The cardiovascular and elastic band exercise program for breast cancer survivors may be mediated, in part, through changes in leptin and insulin levels and/or changes in body fat or fat deposition. |
Key words:
breast cancer, Combined exercise, health related fitness, leptin, insulin |