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Potential for Strengthening Immune Function and Sports Performance with Lactobacillus pentosus b240
PURPOSE: Recently, functional beverages have played a crucial role in supplementing basic nutrition and providing performance-enhancing and health benefits. Among these beverages, those containing Lactobacillus pentosus strain b240 (b240) have been utilized to promote the health...
The Role of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise in Erectile Dysfunction
PURPOSE: This study aimed to determine the role or applicability of pelvic floor muscle exercise for erectile dysfunction. METHODS: This narrative review was conducted by searching terms such as “erectile dysfunction”, “erection dysfunction”, “sexual dysfunction”, an...
Effects of Pilates-Combined Training on the Improvement of Flexibility and Pain Relief in Elite Fencers
PURPOSE: This study aimed to examine the effects of incorporating Pilates into the training regimen of elite fencers, focusing on enhancing flexibility and alleviating pain commonly experienced in the sport. METHODS: Twenty-five collegiate male elite fencers were stratified int...
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Volume 33(2); May 2024
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Volume 32(4); November 2023
Volume 32(3); August 2023
Volume 32(2); May 2023
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107 Exercise and Improvement of LDL-C via PCSK9
Sang Ki Lee
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):107-108.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00297
Review Articles
109 Biomechanical and Neuromuscular Insights into Deadlift Variations: Implications for Sports Science, Strength Training, and Rehabilitation
Joohyun Lee, HunMin Kim, Seungjun Ko, Eunwook Chang
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):109-114.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00290
115 Potential for Strengthening Immune Function and Sports Performance with Lactobacillus pentosus b240
Minchul Lee
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):115-120.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00255
121 The Role of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise in Erectile Dysfunction
Kwang Lae Kim
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):121-130.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00066
Original Articles
131 Effects of Pilates-Combined Training on the Improvement of Flexibility and Pain Relief in Elite Fencers
Hyo-Seon Lee, Dong-Jin Lee, Kyung-Wan Baek, Ara Lee, Yoonjung Park, Ji-Seok Kim
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):131-139.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00129
140 Suggestion of a Method for Evaluating Athletic Ability through Changes in Knee Angular Velocity
Jung-Ran Song, Do-Youn Kim, Kwang-Jun Kim, Dong-Ho Park
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):140-148.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00094
149 Role of Core-Based Exercises in Improving Proprioception among Individuals with Neurological Disorders: A Systematic Literature Review and Meta-Analysis
Hyeong-Chan Lee, Jae-Hoon Lee, Min-Seong Ha
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):149-159.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00164
160 Cardiorespiratory Exertion While Exergaming in Healthy Adults
Hee-Jin Kim, Eun-Ah Jo, Yoon-Ju Lee, Jung-Jun Park
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):160-167.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00283
168 Prolonged Hypoxic Exposure Impairs Endothelial Functions: Possible Mechanism of HIF-1α Signaling
Junyoung Hong, Junchul Shin
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):168-175.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00262
176 Physical Activity and Depression: Nationwide Evaluation of Depression and Physical Activity in South Korea
Kwang-Jun Kim, Jin-Soo Kim, Dong Hyun Yoon
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):176-183.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00234
184 Korean Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 6th Edition (SCAT6): Reliability and Validity
SoYoung Ahn, Ji-won Seo, Nur Afiqah Binti Zulkifli, Wook Song
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):184-208.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00213
209 Isokinetic Ankle Inversion and Eversion Muscle Strength in Korean Men’s Professional Basketball Players
Mun-Ku Song
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):209-215.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00206
216 Association of Characteristics between Acute Stroke Patients and Sarcopenia: A Cross-Sectional Study
So-Yeong Kim, Byeong-Geun Kim, Se-Ju Park
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):216-222.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00248
223 The Effects of Exercise Intervention on Physical Fitness and Problem Behaviors in Children with Developmental Disabilities: Focused on the Development of Evidencebased Exercise Program
Young-Min Park, Nyeonju Kang, Yun-Sung Kim, Dong-Il Kim
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):223-233.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00241
234 Exercise-Induced Laminar Blood Flow Maintains Vascular Function by Enhanced Endothelial Homeostasis
Ji-Seok Kim, Kyung-Wan Baek, So-Jeong Kim, Junghoon Lee, Craig A Johnston, Yoonjung Park
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):234-242.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2024.00220
243 Different Profiles of Jumper's Knee Indications in Basketball, Volleyball, and Football Athletes
Ilham Yugantara, Farid Rahman
Exerc Sci. 2024;33(2):243-249.   Published online May 31, 2024     DOI: https://doi.org/10.15857/ksep.2023.00339
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