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Exerc Sci > Volume 13(3); 2004 > Article
Exercise Science 2004;13(3): 351-366.
중년여성들의 비만과 골다공증 예방과 치료를 위한 리모델링 운동처방 프로그램 개발
여남회, 박일봉
Development of Remodeling Exercise Prescription Program for Treatment of Obesity and Osteoporosis in Older Women
Development of Remodeling Exercise Prescription Program for Treatment of Obesity and Osteoporosis in Older Women. Exercise Science, 13(3), 351-366. 2004. The subjects were 21 women who were divided into control, aerobic and weight remodeling exercise group. They are mean aged 40 years. Aerobic exercise prescription program consist of aerobics at 55~80% of HRmax for 65min a day and 5 days a week, and weight exercise program consist of resistance training at 40~75% of one repetition maximum(1RM) for 50min a day and 5 days a week for 24 weeks respectively. All subjects were evaluated in treadmill graded exercise, body composition, plasma leptin, and Cybex isokinetic muscle strength, and bone mineral density by Ultra Sonometer(Omnisense 7000S) for control and experimental groups. The results of this study are followings. There are significantly different on maximal oxygen consumption in three groups(p〈0.01). Especially control group were significantly reduced maximal oxygen consumption(p〈0.01). Maximal heart rate were significantly increased in aerobic exercise group(p〈0.01). Body fat and plasma leptin level were significantly reduced after 24 weeks exercise prescription program in two exercise groups, respectively(p〈0,05, p〈0.01). A significantly increased radius and tibia bone mineral density was shown in the aerobic and weight exercise groups compared with the control, respectively(p〈0.05, p〈0.01). Isokinetic muscle strength were significantly increased in weight exercise group(p〈0.01) than other groups. These results suggest the remodeling exercise prescription programs is effective for prevent and treatment of obesity and osteoporosis in older women.
Key words: Remodeling exercise prescription program, obesity, bone mineral density, insulin, leptin, cholesterol, isokinetic muscle strength. isokinetic muscle strength.
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